nedelja, 8. junij 2008

Hiphop music

I'm really interested in hiphop music and dance. Do you know what this is and what is it all about? Do you know any groups performing this kind of music?

sreda, 4. junij 2008

Slovene folk music

Let's talk a little bit about the Slovene folk music. There are some very good singers or music groups performing in Slovenia. There are the Gašperji, Rubin, Storžič, Slapovi, Avsenik, Slak etc. Do you like this kind of music, and if you do, do you have your favourite music group?

četrtek, 29. maj 2008

Rebelde rules!

Hello and welcome to the first part of our blog writing. Please, write your opinion about the video you can watch on What do you think of the music group Rebelde and what about the video?